Study In Canada With OUYA International Education
Ouya International Education
Discover our Top Language Services
Ouya Education has been transforming lives for the better since 2018.
Ouya International Education and Technology, Inc. (Ouya Education), headquartered in Victoria, B. C., is a language tutoring and educational support agency intended to serve international students and other language-learners.

Our Experience
Ouya Education, which is based in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, frequently deals with issues of employment (recruitment and retention) for temporary foreign workers (TFW), as well as temporary and permanent residency applications and other general immigration matters with Canadian federal departments (IRCC and CBSA).
Ouya Education also provides educational consulting services for student- clients who want to study in Canada, and require help with the application process.
At Ouya Education we have dedicated ourselves to assisting foreign-language students who are interested in visiting Canada for the purposes of studying, working, and perhaps even settling in Canada.
As a professional, regulatory, and self-oriented company with expertise in immigration laws, policies, and procedures, Ouya Education has contact with the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC), certified consultants (RCICs) who are full members in good standing, to ensure the quality of all clients’ submissions to various government departments involved in foreign workers’ and student permits.
We represent our clients before the Department of Immigration Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), and the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB).

Student Testimonials
Our Latest Blogs

U.S Visa Interview: Commonly Asked Questions
Attending a U.S in person interview could be a daunting task for many U.S visa applicants, especially for those students who are applying for student’s

Ouya International Education’s Overseas Services: More Thoughtful and Thorough than You May Have Imagined
OUYA International has a customized, one-stop overseas service system for students who are intending to study in North America, including pre-departure guidance, landing assistance, study

Exposition, or, The Essay of Argument: Developing Your Points through Illustrative Examples
Writing for an English course in a Canadian or American university is not like writing an e-mail to a friend. The college (or university) essay